Leadership Racine

The Leadership Racine program builds community trusteeship through the development of strong, diverse and knowledgeable leaders.

This 9-month program is designed to recruit promising leaders and help prepare them for positions of public influence and decision-making in the greater Racine area. The program provides a unique learning environment through a curriculum where participants will:

  • Strengthen leadership skills
  • Foster community service
  • Develop a sense of community trusteeship

The Program

Individuals are selected each year to build a class representative of the greater Racine area. The result is a cohort of professionals who are ready to hone their leadership skills and talents and connect them to community causes and agencies they are passionate about.

The program is a balanced combination of monthly program sessions and a team project. In September, a mandatory two-day retreat helps participants focus on team building. The retreat is followed by eight monthly sessions that focus on the significant challenges to the Racine community, building community awareness, and highlighting leadership skills that are needed to be an effective civic leader.

Other Details

Completed applications serves as the sole source of information used in the cohort selection process. Therefore, it is critical that the application is thoroughly and thoughtfully completed. There may be phone interviews conducted as needed. Applications are due May 31.

Recruitment Period: February – May 31

Selection & Notification: Around the 4th of July

Time Commitment: September – May. Mandatory 2-day opening retreat in September followed by one full weekday per month (2nd Tuesday of the month) from October through April. Closing with a mandatory ½ day session and graduation celebration in May. In addition to the monthly sessions, participants must participate in a team project in conjunction with a local nonprofit. Time devoted to the project is outside of the regular curriculum sessions and varies according to the project scope. Participants must participate in a team project with the goal of completing the project by May.

Program Cost: Tuition covers all materials and session costs – including retreat and graduation – $1,800

*A limited number of partial scholarships are available to individuals from nonprofit organizations or to participants who may need financial assistance. Fill out the appropriate fields on the application to be considered and separately submit ONE recommendation letter from someone not related to you regarding the need for a scholarship. Email to aclementi@racinechamber.com

Team Projects

Team projects are a significant component of the Leadership Racine program, providing hands-on experience for servant leadership, teamwork, and collaboration. The projects are intended to give participants the opportunity to make a difference in the community and to get to know local nonprofit organizations on a much deeper level.

The team project process is designed to enhance awareness of community issues, identify systems and methods to initiate change, and develop participants’ project management, team, and presentation skills. While the outcomes of the team project are important, the primary goal is to make the project a valuable learning experience, focusing on building leadership skills and community knowledge.

Seeking Project Partners

Nonprofit organizations may submit project proposals. LR is able to provide a service to nonprofits that align with a team’s issue area of interest. A project committee works to make a successful match between the vetted nonprofit projects and the LR teams. Project proposals are due by July 31.

Teams are typically 4-6 individuals from different industries and diverse backgrounds. The project timeline starts in October with completion by May. If a project team decides to have a longer timeline, that is up to them to decide and agree upon.

Notification of the project proposal being chosen or not will be made by the end of August.

Nonprofit Draft Day

a Leadership Racine initiative
Learn More

Sample Annual Curriculum

Two-day opening retreat – team building and review of your own personal leadership style

History and Discovery – Review the history of Racine and go exploring
Leadership Skill: Communication

Nonprofit Service – Overview of board governance and the skills needed to properly serve on a Board of Directors
Leadership Skill: Collaboration

Human Services – social and human service agency visits
Leadership Skill: Stress Management

Arts & Culture – Introduction to the agencies keeping the arts alive in Racine
Leadership Skill: Project Management

Government – County and City structure, public safety
Leadership Skill: Diversity & Ethical Leadership

Economic Development – Introduction to the work that goes into economic development for Racine County
Leadership Skill: Personal Branding

Education – Examination of Racine Unified School District and its importance for the community
Leadership Skill: Meetings

Morning session – Community Trustee panel
Graduation ceremony over lunch